Spiritual Support - Soul Care

Personal one-to-one soul care between you and a Spiritual Support Counsellor. These sessions can be spent talking, exploring shared practice, listening deeply and searching through soulful material for insight and inspiration to help you move through your inner life.

Gary is a wise and compassionate elder with a rich history of experience spanning decades, oceans and cosmologies. He has been a student, practitioner, and facilitator of mindfulness meditation for over 20 years and a volunteer with Freeing the Human Spirit since 2009, where he is now a board member. For nearly 15 years Gary has dedicated himself to volunteering at The Grand Valley Institution for Women and Ontario Correctional Institution for Men, guiding weekly group practice and 1-on-1 programs. He has studied in The Sufi Way, Zen, Tibetan, Theravedan, Christian, Indigenous and mystical traditions. Gary has four incredible daughters, five wonderful grandchildren and is a proud husband to a longtime practicing midwife.

Gary is a wise and compassionate elder with a rich history of experience spanning decades, oceans... Read More

Tara is an eternal student of the Great Mystery. Her approach is gentle, esoteric and softly presses into the heart of things. She has over 20 years of practice and facilitation in circle work, shamanic journeying, plant spirit medicine, alchemy and the landscape of the inner self. Tara is trained in Harner Shamanic Counselling from The Foundation of Shamanic Studies where she guides individuals through a five-week deep dive into shamanic methods of personal problem solving and guidance.

Tara is an eternal student of the Great Mystery. Her approach is gentle, esoteric and softly pres... Read More

Emily is a mystic at heart. She is a trained meditation teacher, soul purpose guide and end-of-life companion with Hospice Waterloo Region. Emily has studied for ten years in various wisdom traditions including Celtic Spirituality, bird shamanism, non-duality, Vedic wisdom, Buddhism and Jungian eco-psychology. Her areas of focus are death, dying and grief, mystical experiences, dreams, discovering your soul’s purpose, and Indigenous spiritual healing approaches to trauma. Her style is intuitive, open-minded and compassionate.

BA Psych, Adv D. BST, RYT, Certified in Soul Purpose Guiding, Student of TAPM

Emily is a mystic at heart. She is a trained meditation teacher, soul purpose guide and end-of-li... Read More

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